Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: NATO Deputy Secretary General spreading fake news

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stresses the point that NATO officials render false meaning to events starting from “NATO non-expansion to the east” up to today’s claims that strengthening NATO’s presence on the eastern borders “is not threatening to anyone, that it is being done only for defensive purposes and is proportionate.” Actually, they are trying to gain a strategic advantage in Eastern Europe, they strengthen military groups, organize command units, warehouses, other structures, strengthen air patrol in the Baltic States. The intensity and frequency of military exercises of the NATO-countries is increasing. Taking these developments into account, Russia will continue to deploy missile troops to the Kaliningrad region and strengthen its western military forces.

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Kurginyan: It is of no use to the caliphate to take responsibility for this attack

Answering the host’s question Kurginyan noted that the ISIS (organization banned in Russia) terrorists take responsibility even for what they are not involved in, since this gives them easy advertising. “That’s why they are terrorists. But none of these people took responsibility. Strange, you see? This is the strangest part of what happened. For it should seem to be of use to them. Then it is not of use to them. This means the smell something. They are not taking it upon themselves.”
The “Essence of time” movement leader also noted that the style in which the terrorist act was carried out does not resemble the style of ISIS (organization banned in Russia) militants. “Suicide belts arrive from Syria, rather than remote control backpacks,” Kurginyan explained.

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Ukrainian army continues to intensify the shelling of DPR territories

Throughout the day of April 5th, trench combat of variable intensity was underway in the areas of Avdeevka industrial zone, former Donetsk airport, and “Volvo-center”. The Ukrainian side utilized mortars and artillery guns. In the morning, the Ukrainian military attacked the representatives of the OSCE mission and of the Joint Centre for Ceasefire Control and Coordination, as well as maintenance crews in the area of the Donetsk water filtration plant.
In the south of DPR, near Novoazovsk, one woman was killed, and 7 civilians sustained various degrees of injuries as a result of the explosion of a mine laid by the Ukrainian military in a windbreak in 2014.
DPR intelligence reports that the Ukrainian nationalist units have become active along the whole front line and, especially, along the Mariupol direction, in the area of the village of Vodyanoye. This indicates that the Ukrainian side is preparing new sabotages and provocations.

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