“Harmony” kindergarten in Donetsk was bombed heavily in 2015 and 2016 by Ukrainian army. The building has had many damages. Just to mention that 250 windows have to be replaced. Russell Bentley together with “Essence of time” unit in Donetsk contacted the local window manufacturer to order new windows. Each windows costs ca. 30 Euro (40$), so 7.500 Euro (10.000$) are now required. We start fundraising to collect enough money to help children of this kindergarten. We will put the credits of those, who donate on the windows of the kindergarten.
You can help “Harmony” kindergarten by contributing the funds via:
Sberbank card: 4276 3800 6849 9404
Yandex.Money Wallet: 410011379351098
with a note “Harmony”
or via Russell Bentley…