Maidan in Ukraine: The way it's being done

The ideologists of Western Ukrainian supremacists copied the structure of their myth from Mussolini, Gentile, D’Annunzio, Moeller van den Bruck. Bandera Nazi mythological “conceptual baggage” was being poured onto all of Ukrainian population from the beginning of 1990s, first and foremost — onto the young generation. Textbooks were soaked in this mythology, school and university students had to pass exams on this mythology, this mythology was being implemented by Ukrainian print and online press. Almost one and a half young generations in Ukraine were raised like this,quite deeply immersed in a militant myth, hostile to Russia and Russians.

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Maidan in Ukraine: The way it’s being done

The ideologists of Western Ukrainian supremacists copied the structure of their myth from Mussolini, Gentile, D’Annunzio, Moeller van den Bruck. Bandera Nazi mythological “conceptual baggage” was being poured onto all of Ukrainian population from the beginning of 1990s, first and foremost — onto the young generation. Textbooks were soaked in this mythology, school and university students had to pass exams on this mythology, this mythology was being implemented by Ukrainian print and online press. Almost one and a half young generations in Ukraine were raised like this,quite deeply immersed in a militant myth, hostile to Russia and Russians.

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