30.08.2015, DPR.
The elections in Donetsk People’s Republic cannot create a threat to the Minsk agreements, because they will be held in accordance with the law on elections and with the set of measures for peaceful settlement of the situation in Donbass, according to DPR envoy to Minsk talks Denis Pushilin.
Earlier the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and the President of France Francois Hollande have stated that local elections in DPR may be a threat to the Minsk Agreements.
Pushilin said to journalists:
Elections in DPR cannot create a threat to the Minsk agreements, since they will be held in accordance to the set of measures and the law on elections which we have filed to the Verkhovnaya Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine and which we are ready to discuss with the Ukrainian side.
Local elections in DPR are planned to be held on October 18.
Source: RIA Novosti