Militiamen ‘Governor’, the Head of Supply Service of ‘Vostok’ Brigade, not only arranged for New Year celebration at refugee shelters under the Brigade’s patronage, but decided to work as Father Frost. Father Frost, or ‘Ded Moroz’ in Russian, is a figure akin to Santa Claus. Father Frost traditionally brings presents to children on New Year’s Eve.
Father Frost (“Governor’”) handed out presents to the children of Donets People’s Republic, whom he met in the center of Donetsk on December 30, 2014. Children thanked Father Frost and singsonged in Ukrainian and Russian.
At the end of the video, Father Frost wished happy forthcoming New Year to all residents of Donetsk People’s Republic! He wished well-being, peace and prosperity in 2015 and hoped that the citizens of Donetsk People’s Republic would bend their every efforts for Kiev junta to be indispensably brought to justice for its violence, crimes, and for all that outrage done by it in 2014.