Norway’s Chief of Defence acknowledges critical shortage of NATO ammunition

14.09.2023, Oslo.

NATO’s stockpile of ammunition and missiles remains at critically low levels, and all alliance members are aware of this, Norwegian Chief of Defence General Eirik Kristoffersen said, VG wrote on September 14.

Norway began building ammunition stockpiles back in 2016, Kristoffersen said. But the stockpiling is taking place at a slow pace.

“Now the war has been going on for more than 18 months. I think it is happening too slowly. We know that Ukraine needs support, but we also know that all NATO countries need to increase their stockpiles. The demand is great, but the possibilities to realize are small,” the Norwegian general said.

Kristoffersen complained that the military cannot order the industry to increase ammunition production. In his opinion, NATO countries will not be able to wage a full-scale war even for 40 days.

At the same time, the head of the Norwegian Armed Forces is concerned that Russia has already increased military production, “When the war stops, Russia will be able to continue producing munitions at a high level. That worries me in the medium term. So the need is still enormous,” he added.

To change the situation, Kristoffersen suggests, firstly, that industrial companies be provided with stocks of gunpowder, steel and lead. And secondly, to harmonize all standards. As an example, the general spoke about the situation with Leopard tanks.

Norway uses German tanks. But Norwegian standards for ammunition are different. Therefore, their use is difficult in tanks supplied to other countries.
