Kurginyan: The West is looking for an anti-historical spirit to destroy the world

30.01.2025, Moscow.

The West has given up the spirit of historical development in favor of the spirit of “the grand library,” which is supposed to comprehend the world and then dismantle it, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher, political scientist and analyst Sergey Kurginyan said on December 27 on the program Conversation with a Sage on radio Zvezda.

The philosopher reminded that Hegel considered the Western nations to be “historical” in contrast to the other, “non-historical” nations, the latter, according to Westerners, included Russia as well as the countries of Islamic traditionalism.

He explained that the West has not only stopped to direct development and humanism, but it has also declared that it will kill anyone willing to proceed in these directions. In fact, the West has straightforwardly declared, “We will not allow anyone of you to go this way. We will do everything we can to prevent that, and we will not go there ourselves.”

After that, the West began a campaign for a monstrous dehumanization and a concept of “the end of history” by Francis Fukuyama, the political scientist reminded.

“Fukuyama is a shallow-minded person, a minor clerk of science and philosophy with global publicity. But he is a disciple of (Alexandre) Kojève. And Kojève is Hegel’s disciple,” Kurginyan said.

Kurginyan reminded that Hegel believed that the Historical spirit, after finally reaching certain heights, would die to be replaced by a “new spirit.”

“No one reading The Phenomenology of Spirit ever paid attention to this: it was supposed to be replaced by a new spirit. This new spirit would not be a spirit of a historical development of novelty, it would be a spirit of a grand library, where we would first comprehend everything, and then we would dismantle ourselves. And there would be no world at all,” the leader of the Essence of Time movement concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency