Kurginyan tells how America will be made great again

24.01.2025, Moscow.

The only way to make America great gain is to make the workers tighten their belts and to expel foreigners out of the country, and only fascists can do that, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on January 10 on the program Conversation with a Sage on radio Zvezda.

The political scientist noted that globalization implies a migration of capital towards countries with cheaper labor. At the same time, according to him, labor migrates to states with higher wages.

Labor migrates. And capital migrates in the opposite direction. These two opposing flows are destroying the West from inside,” the leader of Essence of Time indicated.

Sergey Kurginyan stressed that the West created his own gravedigger in the East, and now it is trying to find a way our of this situation.

There is no way out unless they make the entire Western proletariat tighten their belts and expel foreign proletariat out of their national state,” the political scientist said.

He added that after the Americans eliminate illegal migration they will want to get rid of migrants living in the USA for a long time. “They will need all these institutionalized Alis inside the country to upsurge in order to deal with them under a guise of another 9/11.”

At the same time, Kurginyan noted that expelling all foreigners from the USA would leave there only alcoholics, homosexuals, fat Americans etc. And the political scientist stressed that all these kinds of citizens would also have to be dealt with.

They would have to be ripped off their fat to return them into the 19th century and put them under such a pressure that they would be thankful for a hamburger and a 10-hour working day. And who can do that but fascists? Nobody else can!” Kurginyan said.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency