Kurginyan reveals what is at the core of the US political system

18.01.2025, Moscow.

The US two-party system is the basis for everything that is happening in the United States, but this system would mean nothing if there were not more powerful and dense cores within this system, political scientist, philosopher, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on December 27 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.

Responding to a question from program host Anna Shafran about whether US President-elect Donald Trump is capable of shaking up Europe’s current US-centric system of governance, the political scientist asked: in whose favor can Trump shake up this system?

“We hear all the time that the US brilliant political system consists of Republicans and Democrats –these are two parties fighting each other. One of them – the Democratic party – is predominantly a party of development, the other – the Republican party – is a party of tradition: the unity of tradition and development, tradition and progress, the transition of political power from one party to the other,” Sergey Kurginyan said.

According to him, the two-party system and the two-party consensus represent the basis of everything that happens in the USA, but this two-party system would mean nothing if it did not include some cores being more powerful and dense than just political parties.

“It’s not some new kind of party united by a common discipline and that’s also been riven by factional fighting and so on. It’s a very loose structure that doesn’t express much, frankly speaking,” the analyst said.

Kurginyan emphasized that the political system in the United States holds together because there is actually the power of big capital in the USA, and that the real core of the political system is this big capital, and everyone is thinking about themselves and their profits.

“Where, in fact, is the core of this political system that is able to hold something together in some way? Since in general any conversation using the terrible word combination ‘Freemasons’ is considered conspiracy, I want to say that in relation to the United States it is more than strange, because the United States does not conceal the Masonic background of its existence,” the political scientist said.

According to him, all the Masonic lodges, in which everything is concentrated, are demonstrated to anyone, including tourists and advertised, because the whole topic is not conspiracy.

“All this is not some conspiracy concealed in basements, it’s a facade of the political system in general. On the contrary, there is some question whether this facade is not excessively decorative and what, in fact, is hiding behind it, why it should attract our attention that much and we should look at it. Because in fact it has never existed within the real, absolutely respectable, discussed by people Masonic movement,” the analyst added.

Sergey Kurginyan noted that Freemasonry is an object of the special study, and there are people who are allowed to access the archives of the Freemasons. These people publish books, and they are neither conspiracy theorists nor lunatics, the political analyst noted. According to him, they do not discredit Freemasons, but praise and research them.

“This culture has existed in the West for a long time. But there has never been unity within this whole system. That’s why when they say ‘Freemasons’, they are talking about something that actually hardly exists. Because the whole life it was split into the National Lodge and the so-called Grand Orient – the Grand Orient of France, Italy and so on – that is, in fact, into conservative and liberal lodges, which really existed together in the sense that they were united by the unity of some great project, inspired by it, and for the realization of which they were created,” Sergey Kurginyan said.

According to the analyst, there was a dream of building a world on an anti-feudal and new basis, that the world built on the previous basis of archaic, excessive traditionalism would be replaced by some new world.

“All philosophers discussed these worlds. These are common notions in the West,” Sergey Kurginyan added.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency