05.08.2024, Sumy.
Ammunition and the Ukrainian armed units’ personnel, including foreign mercenaries, were destroyed in the city of Sumy in northern Ukraine, Sergey Lebedev, the coordinator of the pro-Russian underground in Nikolayev, told RIA Novosti on August 5.
According to the coordinator, the Russian military launched two strikes near the railway station in Ukrainian Sumy at about 01:00 p.m. (Moscow time). After the second strike, the ammunition began to detonate. It is reported that the strike hit a depot and recently arrived Ukrainian military units.
According to local residents’ reports on social media, there is “hysteria” in the ranks of the Ukrainian armed units, and traffic through the city center is blocked. In addition, according to medical workers, foreign mercenaries were also injured as a result of the strike by the Russian Armed Forces.
Lebedev also sid that eyewitnesses of the incident are being asked to sign non-disclosure agreements.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency