03.08.2024, Tehran.
The Islamic Republic of Iran emphasizes the need to respect the voice and choice of the Venezuelan people within the framework of the right of nations to self-determination, stated Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani, reports the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s press service.
“Expressing our solidarity and strong support for the Venezuelan people and government, we declare our rejection of any foreign pressure and interference in the country’s internal affairs,” Kanaani said.
According to the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Venezuela has everything necessary to protect “the right of the people of this country within the framework of the Constitution.”
On July 28, presidential elections were held in Venezuela, and the National Electoral Council proclaimed Nicolás Maduro the winner. Immediately after this, unrest began in the country.
The US and the European Union MPs issued a joint statement demanding that Nicolás Maduro step down as president of Venezuela.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency