Kurginyan tells what kind of an army Russia needs

10.06.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

The West has successfully drawn Russia into a medium war, which it is transforming into a long-term war of attrition, so our country needs a professional million-strong army, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on May 17 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

According to the political scientist, after the collapse of the USSR, a concept was adopted in our military circles that we needed to have powerful nuclear weapons and a small professional army. However, the philosopher notes, our geopolitical adversaries had a similar concept.

Why deploy something and gather twenty-million armies as it happened during the Great Patriotic War if a quick exchange with nuclear strikes would make them unnecessary before you deploy them? This is the cornerstone of this kind of thinking. Not only ours, but theirs as well,” Kurginyan said.

This concept worked until recently for as long as the system of agreements and red lines remained functional at the level of the military and security services, the political scientist told.

According to him, the conflict in Ukraine began as a medium war in which global powers test their power in order to fix certain territorial changes according to the outcome. However, after the Ukrainian counter-offensive failed, discussions began in the West that under no circumstances they could allow Russia to win. Speculations began about “forever” war along with the preparation of further crisis spots at Russia’s border.

In this situation, Russia needs a large land army, which Ukraine successfully built during the so-called Anti-Terrorist Operation, when it sent a large number of people through this “operation”.

We have just started building it. But only for the conflict with Ukraine and in a very limited format, expecting that we will be able to get a sufficient number of contract soldiers, and this is right for modern Russia; we should pay any money for a three-million contract army. It must be 500 thousand rubles, not 200, at the lowest and then go up. And no collapse of our economy will happen,” Kurginyan reassured.

However, the political scientist notes that the Western countries are also building up their land contingents and their nuclear triad. And while, according to the philosopher, the goals of building up their nuclear potential are clear – “the Russians will attack us, and we will exchange” – the goals of building up their land armies raise questions.

Now my question is, what are they gathering their land contingents for? This is the acute question we are discussing… They need these land contingents for what? If it is a war against us it has to be nuclear. So what are they planning?” Kurginyan asked.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency