Kurginyan: Raisi’s death was either something super-clandestine or the West has nothing to do with it

10.06.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

The crash of the helicopter with President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi was either something super-clandestine or the West has nothing to do with it, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan wrote in his article for the Essence of Time newspaper of May 27.

According to the political scientist, an obviously peculiar fact about what has happened is that the official Western media exhibited certain confusion at the early phase of their discussion.

The philosopher believes that if the Western security services had been behind this, such a widespread confusion could have never taken place.

Someone of the Western security services officials would have definitely leaked something to a cunning journalist with whom he is either in friendly or another kind of relations. And we would have observed a primary leakage of something peculiar. But no leakage at all took place,” Kurginyan writes.

According to the leader of Essence of Time, President Raisi and the other Iranian top officials killed in the accident were not as dangerous for the Western countries to perform such a reckless scheme.

Why are they more dangerous than any other ones who would replace them?” Kurginyan asks.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency