Russian Foreign Ministry: NATO creates a network of cyber laboratories along Russia’s borders

25.05.2024, Moscow.

NATO creates a network of cyber laboratories along Russia’s borders: in Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Romania, and in the future – in Georgia and Moldova, Director of the Department of International Information Security of the Russian Foreign Ministry Artur Lyukmanov said in an interview with RIA Novosti on May 25.

Lyukmanov noted that the West has long been practicing cyberwarfare against Russia. According to him, the main springboard is Ukraine, “whose hackers, including those from the publicized ‘IT-army,’ carry out electronic sabotage under the close guidance of NATO curators.” At the same time, as Lyukmanov emphasized, Western special services are sending their own units to Ukraine.

The diplomat also said that NATO cyber laboratories were not limited to the territory of Ukraine, spreading platforms for information warfare along the entire perimeter of Russia’s borders.

“It is no secret that the alliance is creating a whole network of cyber labs along the perimeter of Russia’s borders in Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Romania, and in the future in Georgia and Moldova,” he said.

Lyukmanov explained that the exercises, conducted under the auspices of the Pentagon on a systematic basis, are practicing scenarios for fighting Russia in the digital sphere. He added that, for example, the Cyber Flag exercise was recently completed in the United States.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency