Russian soldiers start using Piranya FPVs, capable of withstanding electronic warfare systems

23.05.2024, Moscow.

Russian soldiers received FPV drones Piranya capable of withstanding electronic warfare systems, developed by Simbirsk Design Bureau, Izvestia reported on May 22.

“We recently supplied them with drones using our unique frequencies, which are not jammed by electronic warfare system. Here they launched the first one, and immediately hit the target,” the Simbirsk Design Bureau’s public relations manager told reporters.

He explained that the UAV was equipped with a new multi-frequency communication system, which helps to avoid the impact of electronic warfare systems. The drone is controlled using non-standard frequencies. In addition, when exposed to a signal, the operator changes the drone’s frequency and continues to control it.

Russian soldiers have already destroyed US armored vehicle with rocket launcher, German IFV Marder, anti-tank grenade launcher SPG-9, mortar, warehouse with ammunition and other targets using Piranya FPVs.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency