Russian air defense systems shoot down 35 Vampire and Olkha MLRS missiles overnight

23.05.2024, Belgorod.

Russian air defense assets shot down 35 Vampire and Olkha MLRS missiles and three drones launched by the Ukrainian militants overnight, the Russian Defense Ministry’s press service informed on May 23.

“Three Olkha MLRS rockets, thirty-two Vampire MLRS rockets and three UAVs were destroyed over the territory of Belgorod Region,” the statement reads.

The governor of Belgorod Region Vyacheslav Gladkov said on his Telegram channel that the Ukrainian attack did not cause casualties. There were cases of damage to private residential houses and outbuildings. One car was also hit.

The Ukrainian armed units have recently been attacking Belgorod Region daily and launching drones across the region. On the night of May 22, Russian air defense forces shot down four enemy drones over the region.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency