Drone suppressor robots began to protect Russian evacuation teams in zone of Russia’s special military operation

13.05.2024, Moscow.

Robots – drone suppressors based on the Triton electronic warfare (EW) system started to cover evacuation groups in the gray combat zone of a special military operation, the general director of the development company Laboratory PPSH Denis Oslomenko said, TASS informed on May 13.

According to him, there are also plans to develop similar complexes to protect assault groups.

The company Laboratory PPSH went to developing this technology due to the presence of gray zones in combat sites where traditional evacuation of the wounded poses a high risk.

“You can’t just go there and evacuate a wounded or dead person, people will be hit by dropped munition and FPV,” Oslomenko said.

He emphasized that cooperation with robot manufacturers aims to create systems that could accompany both assault and evacuation teams, protecting them from aerial threats. Mass distribution of such robots is expected in the future.

Russian company Laboratory PPSH specializes in the development and provision of information security products, including communication protection devices, wireless blocking devices and drone suppression systems, including anti-drone rifles and the Triton complex.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency