Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov: seizure of Russian assets will put a nail in the coffin of the European economy

28.04.2024, Moscow.

The seizure of Russian assets that are placed in the West, if it happens, will be a “solid nail” in the coffin of the Western economy, said Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov, journalist Pavel Zarubin reported in his Telegram channel on April 28.

Of course, foreign investors, foreign states that keep their avoirs in the assets of these countries will henceforth start thinking 10 times before investing their money,” the spokesman explained the consequences of the possible seizure of Russian assets in an interview with the program “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin,” part of which was posted by the journalist.

Peskov also promised a lawsuit, which he said would have no end until Russia gets its funds back.

The official was not as definite about the counter seizure of assets of Western companies that are invested in the Russian economy. In his assessment, the time has not even come to discuss the prospects of such a seizure.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency