21.04.2024, Aleksandrovskoe.
The West needs to subjugate Russia in order to implement plans to blockade China, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on April 10 in the ObjectivNO program on the Belarusian ONT TV channel.
China looks not just with hostility at the plan to isolate it, “but with a certain cold, restrained and therefore particularly intense rage,” said the political scientist. Beijing will undermine such a strategy; China will not allow itself to become isolated.
“And we see what kind of war against isolation China is waging in Africa, how its position in Asia is strengthening, so Russia is the key card here,” Kurginyan pointed out.
If Russia could be brought to its knees and turned into a state subordinate to the West, then it will be possible to claim to the whole world: “You see, the Russians raised their voice, and they have been shown their place, the feast of disobedience must end, nuclear installations can be positioned along the border with China,” noted the political scientist noted.
Russia would cease to be an ally of China in such a case, and then there would be more tension for Beijing from Iran and Afghanistan, as well as from India, stressed Kurginyan. China will get into big trouble, Kurginyan emphasized.
“But if it is not possible to capture Russia, then, I beg your pardon, what kind of a blockade to China we are talking about?” – asks the political scientist. He noted that the combination of Russian reserves in natural resources, Chinese technologies, which are already ahead of Russia in key areas, Russian military strength, the Arctic factor and Moscow’s connections in the Greater Middle East will destroy all plans to isolate China.
“Therefore, all efforts are being devoted to somehow deal with Russia. When I say ‘all forces,’ I mean the sleek, and lazy West, entangled in its own contradictions, reminiscent of the Roman Empire at the time of decline,” the political scientist emphasized.
“While the West is being in such a form it cannot suddenly raise legions, suddenly shout ‘Hannibal is at the gates!’, in a hurry, so to speak, mobilize all its forces and deliver some kind of super-concentrated attacks on its main enemy, on this ‘Carthage’ called Russia,” – said Kurginyan.
Nevertheless, even in the current state, the West is doing a lot to weaken Russia, noted the leader of the Essence of Time movement.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency