Kurginyan explains how Russia must ensure its security in the new world

01.03.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

In order to ensure its security in the coming world order, Russia must not fear to invest heavily into all the aspects of the military sector, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist, philosopher and theater director Sergey Kurginyan said on February 20 in his original broadcast Destiny.

The political scientist reminded the words that First Deputy Chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev who said about the fiasco of the “end of history” concept by the US philosopher Francis Fukuyama. Medvedev, according to Kurginyan, said that a struggle for a fairer world rather than the “end of history” will begin.

I will say nothing about a fairer world. However, there cannot be a world more unfair and terribly dehumanized than the US-centered world. This is why any other kind of a world will definitely be better in some aspects. This is true. But we can hardly doubt that it will be a war of all against all, and that it will be very bloody and fierce,” the leader of Essence of Time noted.

He explained that the only more or less stable world was the bipolar world, which will never come back. The political scientist added that although the United States accepted the self-reliance of the USSR, the attitude of the US to China is absolutely different as the latter is winning in the global market on the US territory itself.

Sergey Kurginyan indicated that the US is decaying. He stressed that, as it happened in other decaying empires, many stupid things taker place there. At the same time, the philosopher warned against inflated expectations regarding the decay and helplessness of the US.

It will still fight back, and not once, and it still has nonzero capabilities. What we need to do is to secure ourselves against all that. We can only secure ourselves if we invest much more into all the aspects of the military activities, defense and attack, in everything. We must invest and invest. To this end, we have to make a slight turn,” Kurginyan said.

The political scientist stressed that, to make such a turn, we do not have to make another 1937, great revolutions or troubles. According to him, in the current context of the domination of the US and the West, this would be a catastrophe, and it would result in the end of the Russian state.

But we have to make this turn. And if, in order to make this turn and to save ourselves and the world, we have to invest 10% of our budget into the military, let it be 10%; if it has to be 20% let it be 20%. This does not mean empty selves, I repeat again, this is not a rejection of the market economy,” the leader of Essence of Time said.

Sergey Kurginyan referred to the example of the Great Depression in the US, and he reminded that the US could actually overcame it only during World War Two when it invested huge money into their defense industry.

And this entailed nothing bad. Do it in a reasonable manner and everything will be fine. And certain new approaches need to be established,” the political scientist explained.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency