AFP: No new announcements of aid to Kiev at conference on Ukraine in Paris

26.02.2024, Paris.

Discussion of new aid to Kiev is not envisaged at a conference on Ukraine organized by French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris, AFP wrote on February 26, citing a source in the French leader’s administration.

It is noted that the conference, which will be held on February 26, will discuss the issues of providing more effective support to Ukraine with the help of already allocated funds.

“No new aid announcements are envisaged,” the agency writes.

According to the agency, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Polish President Andrzej Duda, and prime ministers of other EU countries will also take part in the conference. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky will contact the conference participants via video link.

According to Reuters, the US interests will be represented at the conference by US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien, while the UK will be represented by Foreign Minister David Cameron.

Earlier, the leader of the French Patriots party, Florian Philippot, said that the allocation of additional funds to support Kiev was unacceptable and harmful to the French economy.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency