Lavrov: The West wants to solve the Ukrainian issue on the battlefield only

23.09.2023, New York.

No one in the West wants to solve the crisis in Ukraine outside the battlefield, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a press conference on September 23 in New York, where he is attending the UN General Assembly.

Lavrov stated that the West considers Zelensky’s peace plan [which, in fact, means Russia’s capitulation – translator’s note] “as the only basis for negotiations with Moscow on the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine and that Russia must be defeated on the battlefield.”

“And we conclude that no one wants to seriously show understanding of what is happening, if, including those who understand, probably not very willing to show it publicly and in these conditions, if [you want to do it] on the battlefield, let it be so,” the Foreign Minister expressed the Russian position of the current situation.

During the same press conference, Lavrov reiterated Russia’s readiness in principle on Ukraine if the other side shows a constructive position.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency