Tehran prevents a series of terrorist attacks

24.09.2023, Tehran.

Three dozen terrorist attacks in the Iranian capital have been foiled by Iran’s Intelligence Ministry, Mehr news agency reported on September 24.

Iran’s Intelligence Ministry released a statement that 28 people who wanted to carry out terrorist attacks have been arrested. The detainees intended to carry out thirty simultaneous explosions in densely populated areas of Tehran.

In recent days, in a series of simultaneous operations in Tehran, Alborz and West Azerbaijan provinces, Iran’s intelligence forces uncovered several terrorists’ sleeping cells and their groups in residential houses and arrested 28 members of this terrorist network,” the statement said.

According to the agency, the explosions were planned to be carried out on the anniversary of the last unrest in Iran. The organizers hoped to use the terrorist attacks to undermine the authority of security agencies, portray the security situation in Iran in a negative image, sow panic in society, and encourage people to new protests and unrest.

The ministry said that the detainees are linked to the terrorist group ISIS (organization banned in Russia) and some of them were previously linked to takfiris in Syria or in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraqi Kurdistan.

During one of the operations to detain a group of terrorists in a residential building, two intelligence officers were wounded.

In addition, the ministry notes that a large number of pistols, rifles, explosive devices and cash were confiscated from the terrorists.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency