Russian Foreign Ministry calls Zelensky’s “peace formula” an ultimatum of the West to Russia

26.08.2023, Moscow.

The “peace formula” put forward by the head of the Kiev regime, Vladimir Zelensky, is in fact a list of ultimatums of the West to Russia, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told reporters on August 26.

“Now we are seeing how the Westerners and their Kiev underlings are using a new trick,” Zakharova noted.

According to her, the wording of Zelensky’s “peace formula” hides a list of the West’s ultimatum demands to Russia.

She emphasized that this set of points “has nothing to do with peace” and is aimed at reorienting the countries of the Global South to an anti-Russian stance in order to increase pressure on the Kremlin.

Earlier, Zelensky put forward 10 points of the “peace formula”, in which Kiev, in particular, demands the complete withdrawal of Russian troops to the Ukrainian borders for 1991. “Peace formula” was supported by NATO countries and the European Union. The countries of the Global South, China, India, Saudi Arabia and others, have so far sought not to take sides.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency