Myśl Polska: Poland foresees Ukraine’s defeat and prepares for war

17.08.2023, Warsaw.

With Ukraine’s defeat on the battlefield inevitable, Poland’s large purchases of offensive weapons look like its preparation for a future war, Eugeniusz Zinkiewicz, a columnist for the Polish newspaper Myśl Polska, wrote on August 15.

Zinkiewicz claims in his article that the Polish government is making “bold plans” to purchase a large number of offensive weapons. “Based on the announced list of purchases of these weapons and their quantity, I have a strong impression that we are preparing for war. Hence my question: when is war?”  he writes.

According to the expert, the Warsaw government does not consider Ukraine’s experience, betting on Western weapons. He argues that these weapons have a “terrible technical condition,” that they are unreliable and inefficient, and that is why the Ukrainian fighters, even after changing its tactics and strategy, cannot defeat the modern Russian armed forces.

“Forced tactics on the battlefield, implemented by NATO strategists for the belligerent Ukrainians, lead to serious loss of human lives,” Zinkevich added.

In 2022 and 2023, Poland signed contracts for the delivery of 250 Abrams M1A2 SEPv3 tanks and 116 M1A1 tanks. On August 10, Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak said that they plan to buy 22 Italian AW101 helicopters, and on August 13 said that Warsaw will buy from Washington several dozen Apache helicopters to strengthen defense in the east of the country.

In addition, it was reported that Poland is actively buying South Korean K2 tanks, some of which have already arrived in service. Over the next few years, it is planned to purchase 1,000 South Korean combat vehicles, 820 of which will be specially modernized for Poland’s needs.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency