Polish journalist says Zelenskiy begins to irritate the West

24.07.2023, Warsaw.

Poland started to reconsider its position on Ukraine because of the rude behavior of that country’s President Vladimir Zelenskiy with Ukraine’s allies, journalist Paweł Lisicki wrote on July 24 in his article for Do Rzeczy.

Lisicki noted that at the NATO summit, Zelenskiy “did not hesitate to berate and admonish leaders who, in his opinion, do not support his country strongly enough.” According to the journalist, the Ukrainian president “started to irritate the West.”

According to Lisicki’s observation, Polish media outlets published publications discussing the possibility of negotiations with Russia with the recognition of Ukraine’s territorial losses. In addition, Polish war correspondents started talking about the huge losses and small successes of the Ukrainian armed units.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency