Kremlin Press Secretary: Heads of nationalist battalions returned to Kiev due to failure of Ukraine’s counteroffensive

08.07.2023, Moscow.

Turkey’s decision to return the heads of the Azov (organization banned in Russia) to Ukraine in violation of international agreements is directly linked to the failures of the Ukrainian militants in a counteroffensive, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitriy Peskov said on July 8  in a commentary to RIA Novosti.

He explained that the Turkish authorities’ decision to send the leaders of the nationalist armed units to Zelenskiy is “certainly directly linked to the failures of the counteroffensive.”

The day before Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskiy visited Turkey, where he held talks with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The next day, Zelenskiy published a video on his Telegram channel saying that Denis Prokopenko, Svyatoslav Palamar, Sergey Volynskiy, Oleg Khomenko and Denis Shlega, previously transferred to Turkey by the Russian side, were flying to Kiev together with him from Turkey.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency