Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs names the terms of nuclear weapons deployment in Belarus

19.06.2023, Moscow.

Agreements between Moscow and Minsk on the deployment of Russian nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus do not provide for any time limits, Aleksey Polishchuk, the director of the second department of the Commonwealth of Independent States member-countries of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said in a commentary to TASS on June 19.

“As for the possible timeframe for the deployment of Russian TNWs on the territory of Belarus, the Russian-Belarusian agreements do not imply any restrictions in this regard,” said Polishchuk.

The diplomat explained that there is a hypothetical possibility of returning the mentioned weapons to the Russian territory. However, in order to realize such a step the US and the North Atlantic Alliance have to give up their intentions to undermine the security of Russia and Belarus. In addition, the USA must remove all of its nuclear arsenal from Europe and destroy all of the infrastructure necessary to deploy nuclear weapons.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency