Water supply restored in Novaya Kakhovka and Dnepryany

19.06.2023, Novaya Kakhovka.

Water supply was restored in Novaya Kakhovka and Dnepryany, flooded after the disaster at the Kakhovskaya HPP, the administration of Novaya Kakhovka urban district wrote on its Telegram channel on June 19.

“Water supply has been fully restored in Novaya Kakhovka, Dnepryany. In Korsunka, the work of artesian wells will be restored after their complete drying,” reported the administration of Novaya Kakhovka urban district.

It is also reported that employees of the unitary enterprise Novaya Kakhovka public service removed 985 cubic meters of garbage from the flooded areas. On June 18, the primary cleaning of compressor stations 1, 7 and 10 was carried out.

Other works are also carried out. Bodies of animals drowned during the flooding of Dnepryany and Korsunka territories are being disposed of in Korsunka. A total of 254 animal bodies have been disposed of.

In addition, since yesterday, employees of the regional veterinary service began house-to-house visits in the flood-stricken settlements for preventive vaccination of animals.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency