02.06.2023, Moscow.
The Russian elite must declare “in an ultimate and complete manner” that Russia’s pro-Western path was a mistake and that it now abandons its initiative, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on May 26 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.
The host suggested that they discuss the words of Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that “the Western ‘track’ in the form it evolved until recently in our foreign policy has totally exhausted itself.”
Kurginyan explained that Russia’s following the Western “track” meant that we gave up having any initiative of our own.
“It effectively means that we gave up any strategic, conceptual etc. initiative. We gave it up completely,” the political scientist explained. “Leaving aside the discussion whether the communist initiative was good or bad, it existed at least rhetorically. Everyone is going one way but we are going towards communism!”
The expert reminded the term “track” as used in bicycle racing. However, the parallel with a trajectory in bicycle racing cannot perfectly describe the way we followed the West.
“This trajectory makes no magic, it does not make up any additional changes for the cyclist up to changing his anthropological, i.e. physical parameters and his ability to move,” Kurginyan noted.
Over 30 years, Russia followed the Western trajectory, and it dictated numerous changes: thousands of destroyed plants, the implementation of the Bologna System in education, the allocation of taxpayers’ funds for the construction of pipelines that have now been blown up, the leader of Essence of Time reminded.
The political scientist also reminded that federal officials’ sporadic statements are not sufficient in the current situation.
“You know, all the statements look like dots. As if we were drawing with dots: one, two, three dots, a large dot when our foreign minister or the press secretary says something, then more dots, Internet bloggers, someone else. Okay, but there has to be a contour behind these dots,” Kurginyan stressed.
The expert stressed that he completely agrees with the words of the Russian foreign minister, but Russia needs finality today.
“I want to hear this! And I want to hear this in an ultimate, complete manner. If a strategic mistake was made in the previous thirty years, it must be acknowledged along with the cost that the population of the Russian Federation paid for it, what they lost through it, what caused it, how it will be repaired, and what is to replace this mistake – what should we create instead of the erroneous ‘track’?” Kurginyan asked.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency