Opinion. Trump’s rating can be undermined by COVID-19 vaccines safety issue

25.08.2022, Washington.

A public discussion of the issue of the COVID-19 vaccines safety in the USA can undermine ex-president Donald Trump’s rating, according to Rossa Primavera News Agency editorial published on August 25.

Trump’s political opponents can make a serious blow on his current rating if they publicly accuse him of administration mistakes related to the testing of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Reportedly, during his presidency Trump insisted on faster clinical trials of drugs for COVID-19. Now he can be accused of interfering better testing of the vaccines.

If Trump’s opponents additionally say that COVID-19 vaccines results in deaths of young people, which could not be revealed and avoided because of poor clinical trials, then Trump’s rating can be seriously damaged.

“The very fact that the issue of safety of COVID-19 vaccines has been revived is telling. In fact, this is the only issue on which Trump and his supporters have different opinions. If it is alleged that the vaccines in fact result in death of young people but the clinical trials accelerated by Trump failed to reveal this, Trump’s rating can decrease,” the publication explains.

However, Trump has something to respond with. The US ex-president can refer to the fact that he did not make the vaccination mandatory.

“However, Trump will immediately answer that he did not make the vaccination mandatory, under the threat of losing jobs, and he did not call for vaccinating children; these are something Democrats and Biden did,” the editorial opinion says.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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