26.04.2022, Moscow.
This morning, the Institute for the Study of War, a US-based think tank funded by an alliance of Wall Street financial companies and US defense industry corporations, published a report in which it called the grenade attack on the Transnistrian Ministry of State Security building “a false flag attack in Transnistria” likely conducted by Russian forces.
This is important because the US elites themselves are very fond of such provocations.
A common US practice for decades has been to stage provocations accusing the other side, i.e., the classic false-flag attack.
Suffice it to recall the US entry into the Vietnam War under the false pretext of a North Vietnamese attack on the USS Maddox, or a notorious vial presented by Colin Powell at the United Nations security council. There are certain questions about 9/11, by the way.
What happened to Building 7 of the World Trade Center, which collapsed along with the Twin Towers, though it was not hit by a plane? In short, the Americans are good at provocations.
The novelty in the 21st century was the method of accusing the other side in the preparation of the provocation under the false flag, so that later the USA or its allies could make such a provocation themselves. An example of such a technique can be seen in Syria, where the USA accused Russia and Syria of conducting chemical attacks.
According to the US version, Damascus and Moscow allegedly wanted to compromise the so-called “moderate opposition” by blaming it for the chemical attacks.
The US tried a similar trick in Donbass.
Just before the start of the special operation for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, when the Ukrainian army and nationalist battalions began to subject towns and villages of the DPR and LPR to intensive shelling, the US State Department and Joe Biden personally began accusing Russia of preparing a major provocation under a false flag in the territory of Donbass.
Many experts believe that if the special operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine had not begun on February 24, a massive missile strike on Donetsk would soon have followed, creating a humanitarian disaster in the city, killing tens of thousands of people.
And it was this massive strike from the Ukrainian side and with the participation of NATO advisers that Washington representatives had in mind when they spoke about the allegedly planned Russian provocation under a false flag.
One wonders why on the official level in Russia this is scarcely being discussed. False pacifists say that Russia attacked someone, when the truth is that we launched a preventive-defensive strike to prevent the mass murder of civilians by Banderites and their NATO instructors. This needs to be announced publicly.
Now this US think tank, connected to both the financial elite of the Democrat Party and the US defense industry corporations, uses literally the same vocabulary to the terrorist attacks in Transnistria.
This creates a justified suspicion that the US and its allies intend to seriously “unfreeze” the conflict in Transnistria, possibly to draw back some forces from the offensive against the Ukrainian army grouping and Nazi gangs in Donbass, and also to obtain for the Ukrainian army the weapons of the former 14th Army stored in the warehouses in Transnistria.
Translated from https://t.me/shotday/243