25.04.2022, Moscow.
All combat units of the neo-Nazi type are deeply occult, philosopher, crisis analyst and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said during the Great Game program on Channel One on April 19.
According to this analyst, all neo-Nazis are ideologically motivated. And it is somehow strange first of all to turn to witches and demand that witches solve the problem, and then turn to the Pope.
“Maybe the Pope also has some witches there in the Vatican, who knows. Doesn’t seem to be so. But still, it’s kind of weird. As the famous jokes say: either take off your cross or cover yourself with a bucket. But somehow, both at the same time – it is strange,” stressed Kurginyan.
And this has nothing to do with any Christianity, the analyst specifies. The initiation of neo-Nazis we are dealing with in Ukraine takes place according to occult rites: hard, with injuries, referring already to primitive times. Incarnation takes place through burying in the ground and the like. So, of course, to say that these neo-Nazis are not prepared to resist is wrong.
The philosopher reminded us that there were Waffen SS “Hellhounds” (an organization banned in Russia) and others. They fought to the end, and there was a situation where they managed to stand their ground. And the Bandera people torture, their specialty has always been torture. And the Germans said that they did it in excess, enjoying torture.
“Bandera believed that the only way to break people was to show them the deeds of these of the Hellhounds, from which people would go mad – so that they would understand that something was happening that did not fit into the matrix of humanity,” Kurginyan summed up.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency