Lavrov: A unipolar world would be a US village

19.03.2022, Moscow.

A unipolar world would not be a global village, but a US village, a “saloon” [traditional American bars in the western United States during the Wild West – Rossa Primavera News Agency] where everyone dances to the will of the strongman, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with the RT television channel on March 18.

Lavrov emphasized, however, that there are still countries that do not agree to such a prospect, “But there are countries that will not agree to a global village with a US sheriff. China, Brazil and Russia are among those countries that do not want to ‘salute’.”

According to the Russian Foreign Minister, Europe has practically stopped trying to assert its independence before the United States.

He also pointed out that the West is trying to marginalize Russia and stop its development; the pressure on the country is unprecedented.

Lavrov noted that sanctions have always only strengthened Russia. At the same time, he said that Russia can “count only on itself,” there are no more illusions about the West.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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