10.03.2022, Moscow.
Radical nationalism was among the key tools used to destroy the USSR, according to the author of the article Banderite Ukraine and the Destruction of the USSR: Who is to Blame and What Should We Do? in the Essence of Time newspaper Fyodor Kaufman.
“It is radical nationalism that was used a one of the key tools to destroy the country [the USSR]. We remember how radical nationalist organizations appeared not only in Ukraine, but also in the Baltic States, Caucasus, and Transcaucasia. And we remember how they were used to dismember the great country,” he indicated in a video about the new issue of the newspaper.
According to Kaufman, the special operation for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine poses a question about the origin of the Ukrainian nationalism. He noted that this nationalism is based on “hatred towards everything Russian.”
In his article, the author indicates that any national entity should understand the meaning of the state and the historical project to which it belongs, to feel its significance for this project, and to have equal rights with the other participants. These components largely determine whether any separatist sentiments or national conflicts will be able to emerge.
Another factor, according to Kaufman, which strongly determines any centrifugal trends in a state is whether there is an actor, domestic or external, capable of deliberate actualization of any sleeping contradictions.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency