Kurginyan explains what caused crisis in Kazakhstan

17.02.2022, Moscow.

Kazakhstan’s attempt to build an identity separated from the Soviet period of its history is what caused the crisis of January 2022, said philosopher, political scientist, and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on February 9 in an interview to the ONT Belarusian channel.

Kurginyan explained that rejection of common history with Russia, i.e. the period of the Russian Empire and the Soviet period, resulted in regress. Kazakhstan came to a lack of sufficient basis for modernization of the country.

“A country cannot modernize if it has no solid identity to rely on. As for Kazakhstan, its solid identity is associated with the Soviet period. Otherwise, it is impossible! The same thing is taking place in Ukraine. Therefore, regress begins. Regress is accumulation of negative effects. This accumulation of negative effects is an internal factor,” Kurginyan stressed.

As for external factors, Kazakhstan became wedged between China, an Islamic factor fuelled by Afghanistan and Turkey, and Western interests (of the USA and other Western countries), the political scientist believes.

Therefore, Afghanistan will breathe in Kazakhstan. And China will. In addition, now Turkey says that united Turan army is needed… Plus the USA,” Kurginyan summarized.

Each of the listed major external actors is trying to bring Kazakhstan to its heel. “From outside, Kazakhstan is being torn apart ― from outside! Plus internal regressive processes,” the political scientist indicated.

According to Kurginyan, the tragedy of all the post-Soviet countries is that no one will ever let them exist as independent countries as they want. One way or another, more powerful countries, the major actors on the globe, will draw them into their spheres of interests.

“Plus this internal regress, plus instability of statehood, plus clan-related things etc. And plus, of course, the super-oligarchic economy ruled by ‘bais.’ All this make the situation explosive,” Kurginyan concluded.

The political scientist expressed confidence that this situation has been “calmed down,” but the problem is not gone as all the factors listed above maintain, and they will continue to affect the situation in Kazakhstan. “These are the splendor and misery of the post-empire existence,” Kurginyan said. The political scientist explained again that he understands empire positively “as a super-national ideocratic state.”

He also reminded that “the Soviet Union was an empire that developed its periphery” and that “it was the perfect way of existence for all the peoples.”

“This is the right formula, an organic one. It can be abandoned, but it is an illusion that this would bring you to a paradise. This will bring you to someone’s mouth, which is becoming absolutely clear today,” the political scientist concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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