07.10.2021, Moscow.
Post-Soviet Russia indiscriminately adopted everything foreign, and at the same time it gave away its own unique solutions to the West, said philosopher, political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on October 3 in his author’s broadcast “The Meaning of the Game.”
Kurginyan noted that a practice of rejecting unique domestic solutions was adopted in the late Soviet period, while an alternative path and advanced positions of the USSR continued to be officially declared.
“In the post-Soviet period, this latent practice became widely declarative. It was said straightforwardly that we must not reinvent the wheel, and that we should integrate into existing trends using the experience of the countries that have left us behind,” Kurginyan said.
The political scientist indicated that in 1990s the actual work of governmental bodies was reduced to translating foreign guidelines into Russian.
“Our agencies began to transform en masse into agencies translating foreign guidelines and implementing foreign experience according to the principle of ‘slavish, blind imitation’ discussed long ago by Griboyedov,” the leader of the Essence of Time movement said.
Meanwhile, unique domestic solutions were given away to the West, and at the same time this unique experience was fiercely destroyed in Russia, the philosopher noted.
“Original domestic know-how was eradicated quite fanatically. This applied to very many things, including the so-called Semashko medical system, the remnants of which have partially saved us from COVID, but which was then called ‘a Soviet-era pathology,’” Kurginyan said.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency