Kurginyan: Vaccination has been made part of “the consumerist paradise”

07.07.2021, Aleksandrovskoye.

Vaccination has become part of the consumerist prosperity that the Russian authorities are offering to the public, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on July 3 in a new issue of “The Meaning of the Game” broadcast.

“Bestial prosperity will kill our country. And the demographic trends will kill it, as well as the values trends, and this degradation-oriented simplification [of the vaccination problem] ― they [these trends] are deadly. Are they part of a global process? Then this is a deadly global process,” the political scientist explained.

The leader of the Essence of Time movement used different approaches to assessing well-being as examples.

“In the Soviet period, there was one fish café and five or six cinemas at the Chernyshevsky street [in Moscow], and everyone visited them. […] So, do we now live to eat and eat to live?” Kurginyan stressed.

In his video address, the leader of Essence of Time noted that active rejection of any criticism of authorities’ vaccination policy exacerbates its problematic nature.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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