Expert explains why NBC journalists have asked Putin strange questions

14.06.2021, Moscow.

The questions that NBC journalists asked Putin are imbued with the spirit of an informational-psychological War, Sergey Chernyakhovsky, a doctor of political science and professor at Moscow State University (MSU), stated to Rossa Primavera News Agency on June 14.

“They [NBC journalists] are acting within a certain framework, which is focused on showing the extreme horror that is going on in Russia. This is an information-psychological war,” Chernyakhovsky explained.

First, with the help of our certain public figures, they were making up stories about the Gulag. Before that, they were making up stories about commissars who eat babies,” the MSU professor recalled.

In his opinion, according to the same scheme, the US blamed the Soviet government for the suffering of dissidents.

“Everything follows that vector. There is no such horror that would not be invented in the framework of information and psychological war,” the political scientist stressed.

Russian President Vladimir Putin gave his first interview with an American TV channel in three years. The NBC News interview was conducted ahead of Putin’s talks with US President Joe Biden, which will take place on June 16 in Geneva.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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