Expert: It will become more interesting for a child to communicate with robots rather than with peers

27.03.2021, Moscow.

The average teenager will soon become more interested in communicating with robots rather than with their living peers and teachers, said IT specialist Yuri Shevchenko in a comment to the editorial board.

“Due to the latest developments in artificial intelligence, self-learning ‘assistants’ will be available in messengers and social networks. This means that children and adolescents will be communicating with bots against the general backdrop of deterioration in the education sector, lockdowns and the growing social atomization. This will be the most entertaining interaction to children, ” explained the specialist.

“Very soon, the average teenager will become more interested in communicating with robots rather than with their living peers,” stressed the expert.

The expert also noted that increased interaction with such assistants will result in children’s growing social atomization and anti-social behavior. This will lead to the formation of “a new type of poorly developed consciousness, which lacks creative thinking, emotionality and curiosity instinct. It will be extremely selfish and egocentric, and, of course, absolutely manipulated,” emphasized the IT specialist.

During their research, scientists from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) came to the conclusion that children perceive voice assistants as living beings.

“SPbPU researchers have found that children have small talks with Alice, the virtual assistant. Therefore, they perceive Alice as a living being, and not as an abstract technological object,” concluded the experts.

Researchers believe that in the future a child may develop closer interactions with bots, even romantic relationships.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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