30.12.2020, Moscow.
Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky received his prison sentence for attempting to do away with Russian nuclear weapons in exchange for money, political scientist and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said in an interview with journalist Vladimir Solovyov on the YouTube channel Solovyov Live on December 24.
“Khodorkovsky lost his mind because at the council of the world’s oil oligarchs he was sitting at the head table, while Cheney, the US vice president, was sitting next to him at the side table. Khodorkovsky believed that he was on the top of the world. At this point, he suggested a scheme by which Russia would give up its ‘nukes’. And it would receive something like $200 billion – a mere pittance,” Kurginyan said.
The Russian pro-Western elite harshly rejected this kind of “proposal”.
“The entire elite was outraged, everyone said – this is not good, this is something completely wrong. The point is that as long as there are ‘nukes’, there will be no prison sentences for them. And how do they know that when they give up the country and get any kind of money for that, that they won’t go to prison? In this sense, all those, who thought they should live there [in the West] and have some kind of protection from those [ruling in the West] here, they became outraged – there were many of them. Khodorkovsky ended up alone,” the Essence of Time’s leader explained.
In the morning of October 25, 2003 Khodorkovsky’s plane, which was on its way to Irkutsk, landed for refueling at Novosibirsk Airport. As soon as the plane landed, FSB officers blocked it. On the same day Khodorkovsky was brought to Moscow for interrogation at the investigative committee of the Prosecutor General’s Office on Tekhnichesky Lane, stood trial, and was incarcerated at the Matrosskaya Tishina detention center.
The investigation into Khodorkovsky’s case was completed in a record-breaking two months. The charges against him were embezzlement, malicious non-compliance with court decisions that had entered into legal force, fraudulent infliction of property damage, and tax evasion.
According to the investigative committee’s conclusion, which the court later agreed with, in 1994 Khodorkovsky created an organized criminal group for the purpose of fraudulently obtaining shares in various companies and then selling them at low prices to subsidiary intermediary firms, which, in turn, sold them at market prices.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency