Kurginyan: Modern regional wars are tests of strength

14.11.2020, Moscow.

Modern armed conflicts test the balance between the major powers on the global scale, said the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist Sergey Kurginyan on November 11 on the air of the Evening with Vladimir Solovyov TV program on Russia One channel.

Such a classic analytical concept allows for an exchange of military strikes that cause moderate damage, after which everyone starts talking about who is strong and who is not. Such a thesis is very popular in US think tanks,” noted Sergey Kurginyan. When they “measure” strength in the US, they compare not only economic indicators like GDP they also look at other parameters, explained the political scientist.

He added that the “real test of strength” is always a war.

According to the political scientist, modern military “tests of strength” are viewed as an alternative to a global war. He described their logic as follows, “Since we cannot start a war on the global scale of military operations in order to determine who is stronger, let’s … measure our strength in Ukraine, in Syria, or somewhere else. We will figure out who is stronger, and based on these test results we will ultimately decide who’s stronger.”

Once the conflict ends, supporters of this concept consider the possibility of returning to a subsequent peaceful reconstruction in global politics, added the expert.

The ultimate test shall be carried out through a large-scale military conflict, larger than the current ones, believes the political scientist. In addition, global taboos on the use of nuclear weapons in war are gradually being lifted, concluded the expert.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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