Kurginyan: Lukashenko is wrong not to take his supporters to the streets

15.08.2020, Moscow.

Lukashenko hopes in his security forces, and does not take his supporters to the streets, thereby making a great mistake, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, analyst and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on August 14 in his original broadcast “The Meaning of the Game (urgent release): For Whom does the Belarusian Bell Toll? It Tolls for Russia!”

The political scientist believes that it is possible to find a way out of the current acute situation in Belarus by mobilizing the supporters of President Alexander Lukashenko, who won the election, and all the anti-liberal forces. Nevertheless, such a coalition of anti-liberal forces has not yet been created for a number of reasons. Firstly, it does not suit the security forces.

The security forces now comoditize their ability to use power to manage protests in the streets. Kurginyan noted that this opportunity will diminish if a patriotic street movement emerges.

The political scientist added that, secondly, this coalition does not suit the elite at all, as it has no desire to include the broad masses into the process.

According to Kurginyan, the sitting  Belarusian President’s hopes for the security forces will fail, since they will never do enough to pacify the situation in the long time.

“They will not wipe this (anti-state protests – Rossa Primavera News Agency) out for a number of reasons: it is unknown where they keep their money and on whom they depend; they have relatives, some of whom will beg them ‘don’t dare to be bloody, you are suppressing my friends,’he (high representative of security forces – Rossa Primavera News Agency) hesitates as he does not trust Lukashenko and has no idea of what will happen next,” Sergei Kurginyan explained the reasons behind the security forces’ incapability to independently solve the problem of acute civil conflict.

The political scientist also pointed out the security forces’ primitively direct approach to suppressing protests. One cannot act today according to the principle “If you have strength, you don’t think.” Kurginyan stressed that in the 21st century thought accounts for 98%, with strength being a distant second.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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