31.03.2020, Moscow.
The greatness of the historical scale of Lenin’s personality does not allow us to put him on the same level with other major historical figures because of his uniqueness. Doctor of Political Science Vladimir Pavlenko stated this during an interview with a Rossa Primavera News Agency correspondent.
The uniqueness of Lenin’s historical greatness makes analogies between Lenin as a grand historical figure and other outstanding figures in history inappropriate, Vladimir Pavlenko believes.
According to the scientist, Lenin’s ability to talk to the people, point out the way of development and historical ascent of man, present an image of the future and implement an unprecedented historical project is so unique that the scale of his personality can only be compared with epic and literary heroes, such as Prometheus or Danko.
“There is no one to put next to Lenin in secular history. Prometheus and Danko (a character in Maxim Gorky’s short story Old Izergil, who sacrificed his life to save his people – translator’s note) come to mind in epics and literature…” Pavlenko believes.
The political scientist noted that despite the political mainstream’s distortion of the historical truth about Lenin, sooner or later recognition of his role as a savior of Russian statehood will return.
Russia is celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Lenin, one of the key figures in its history. Some consider him the saviour of Russia, who managed to pull the country out of turmoil, others talk about “a bomb under the Russian statehood”.
Cold War-era anti-Soviet curses continue to be heard, and at the same time a primitive pseudo-Soviet cartoon is being reproduced. At the same time, society has a growing demand for a real rethinking of the Soviet heritage.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency