Kurginyan reveals the lies behind the Ukrainian “golodomor” myth

26.11.2019, Moscow.

The “golodomor” [the allegedly man-made famine in the Soviet Union, 1932-1933 – translator’s note] myth is based on the combination of misconceptions and misinterpretations, said the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on November 24on the air of the Evening with Vladimir Solovyov TV Program on the Russia One channel.

The first element of the myth is that famine can happen anywhere in the world, in any country, “it doesn’t matter India, America” or elsewhere. “The causes of the disaster have to do with the human condition in societythey don’t talk about the colossal famine in the US during their crisis years [the Dust Bowl – translator’s note],” said Kurginyan.

There was famine in the Volga Region after the Civil War, but “there was no genocide.” It is a part of the human experience, explained the expert: “There was famine in Europe, there were multiple famines in the Russian Empire. What does this have to do with golodomor’?! ”

The second element of the “golodomor” myth has to do with the export of wheat from the Soviet Union. Historians have proven that the Ukrainian famine in the 30s is not linked to the export of grain. “There was no export of grain on an industrial scale during that time,” emphasized Kurginyan.

The third element has to do with delays in information about the scale of the disaster in Ukraine at the time. “When the first signs of trouble in Ukraine were finally made known, the Politburo immediately ordered the delivery of food to Ukraine. Immediately!” explained the guest of the program.

The fourth precondition for the famine in the ‘30s is related to the “improper storage of grain.” Rodents and mice destroyed the “hidden grain stashes,” added Kurginyan.

The final myth of the “golodomor” is the use of famine as a method of deliberate suppression based on ethnicity. “No one could prove it”, including Ronald Reagan. The issue of famine in Ukraine needs in-depth study, which was not allowed in the USSR, “but now it is not prohibited,” noted Kurginyan.

It should be noted that the myth of the “golodomor” has been actively used in the domestic and foreign politics in Ukraine since it left the USSR.

Ukrainian political elites are determined to prove that Stalin and the Communist Party of the USSR intentionally starved the Ukrainian people in the early ‘30s. Kiev is counting on cash reparations from Russia for population losses from the tragedy of the great famine.

During years of 1932-1933, there was a massive famine in the USSR that affected Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the Volga Region, part of the Ural region, and Siberia. Historians note that famines also occurred in the Russian Empire every 3-5 years. The main reason for the famine in the 19th and early 20th centuries was the lack of technology, the lack of motorized equipment (tractors) and the unbalanced economic structure of the state.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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