22.08.2019, Moscow.
The sanction war has helped Russia to overcome the negative effect of joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), economist Pavel Kapustin said on August 22 in an interview to correspondents of the Rossa Primavera News Agency.
According to the economist, interesting changes have taken place over the past 7 years after Russian joined the WTO. “The sanction war has de facto lifted the mutual obligations within the WTO, and now the sides avoid recalling them, because any moves in this direction can easily trigger a new escalation of sanctions. Thus, this ‘luck in misfortune’ has helped us overcome the negative consequences of joining the WTO.”
7 years ago, on August 22, 2012, Russia joined the WTO, becoming its 156th member. It is worth mentioning that the Russian citizens were against this decision, and they held numerous protests.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency