12.07.2019, Moscow.
Russian military equipment will participate in an exercise in Venezuela on July 24, the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov said in an interview to RIA Novosti.
According to the diplomat, the Venezuelan army “is equipped with our weapons to a large extent,” which explains why it will be used in the coming military events.
On June 27, another attempt of a coup d’etat was prevented in Venezuela. The President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro noted that there was evidence that “retired military and police officials led by the governments of Colombia and the USA” were involved in it.
The presence of Russian military equipment is based on a cooperation agreement in telecommunications, foods, weapons, and oil production that Russia and Venezuela signed in December 2018.
According to Vladimir Putin’s statement of June 6, there are no Russian military bases in Venezuela. Russian experts provide technical assistance to the Bolivarian Republic under a contract of cooperation in military equipment, as an official of the Russian diplomatic mission reported on June 27.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency