29.05.2019, Vienna.
A student from Bosnia played the role of a Russian blonde in a scandalous video with a former Vice-Chancellor of Austria Heinz-Chistian Strache, the Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung reported on May 28.
The meeting with the former vice-chancellor took place in Ibiza. The Bosnian student posed as a Russian oligarch’s niece for 7,000 euros. The girl had to go to a casting. She had to be in Strache’s taste and speak fluent Russian.
According to media reports, the provocation cost 400,000 euros in total. A certain German company acquired the video for 600,000 euros and passed it to media outlets.
The German publications that published the scandalous video on the eve of the election called it a “trap for Strache”. In the video recording, the Russian woman, allegedly, promised to assist Strache in acquiring media assets.
As a result of the scandal, Strache was forced to resign. The former vice-chancellor advocated for rapprochement with Moscow and the lifting of sanctions.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency