20.04.2019, Tehran.
A CIA spy ring of 290 agents has been neutralized, said Iranian Minister of Intelligence Mahmoud Alavi, IRNA reports on April 19.
According to the minister, a special operation by Iranian security services uncovered a CIA espionage network of 290 agents who operated on the territories of several countries. According to Mahmoud Alavi, information about the spy ring was communicated to the other countries, and some of the CIA agents were arrested.
The Minister of Intelligence also spoke about a similar operation against the British foreign intelligence, MI6, promising to reveal details later.
On April 9, the USA recognized the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), part of the Iranian Armed Forces, as a terrorist organization.
On April 18, the President of Iran Hassan Rouhani announced strengthening the Iranian armed forces in response to US and Israeli actions.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency