08.03.2019, Washington.
77 Venezuelans will have their visas revoked, US Vice President Michael Pence said, Reuters reported on March 6.
“Today the State Department is announcing that the United States will revoke 77 visas, including many officials of the Maduro regime and their families,” Pence said in his speech before a Latin American coalition in Washington.
The first decision to revoke US visas for 49 Venezuelans was announced on March 1. The names and positions of the Venezuelans who lost their visas were not made public.
Editorial comment
To call black things white, saying that we have evidence, but it is secret, so you will never see it has become the hallmark of US policy. It undertakes measures fix problems that never existed in the first place, all while causing more damage to what it was supposedly trying to fix.
Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Syria ― there is not a single country on the globe to whose people the US has brought peace and well-being. Its arrival always unleashes civil wars, undermines states, ruins economies, and brings innumerable losses and suffering to civilians, which is absolutely incompatible with the argument about even “one teardrop of a child” being unacceptable that the US uses as an excuse for invasions by American democracy invasion.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency